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Compare Affliction Clothing

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Overall Satisfaction

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13 reviews
0.50 / 5

Activity Rate

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Affliction Clothing: not active

Resolves Issues

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Affliction Clothing: no

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Affliction Clothing



Terrible customer service

"Bought a watch, it arrived and did not work. I reached out to affliction customer service, explained i understand these things happen. I am a long time customer and actually own a few of their watches. The watch manufacturer for them is U.S. based and awesome. Their answer was I should send it off for repairs. I responded with no thanks and that I would just like a replacement please. After multiple emails we agreed and I returned the watch for a replacement. After about a week I got a partial refund, no watch and they ghosted my email questions as to why! The guy actually told me via email before it was agreed to return, “it was probably a battery or something and they were all probably like that in warehouse”?? How crazy! I spoke with watch manufacturer personally and they were mortified the way this was handled. Just terrible services and sad because I will not go back and I generally like the merch. "


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