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Compare Banana Hobby

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413 reviews
0.50 / 5

Activity Rate

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Banana Hobby: not active

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Banana Hobby: no

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Banana Hobby



Terrible Customer Service

"I purchased a F4 Wildcat from BH in December of 2023. The landing gear malfunctioned during testing prior to assembly. The gear made a grinding noise when fully extended and the right side would not fully retract. A burning smell came from the unit as well. I contacted technical support by submitting a ticket through their web site along with an email and text. I provided pictures and a movie to their tech support as requested. BH offered to replace the landing gear but said nothing about the burning smell.

I declined the replacement because of the burning smell and requested an RMA and refund because the airplane was clearly defective. Their return policy states a defective item can be returned and the plane has a 30-day warranty as well. I didn’t receive a response, so I reached out again via email and text asking about the status of my RMA request. I received a text response stating my RMA request was denied because I “messed up the items” during assembly. I couldn’t have damaged the landing gear and electrical system because they’re preinstalled at the factory. Their offer to replace the landing gear would have accomplished nothing because the landing gear is glued into the fuselage at the factory. I couldn’t have installed the new gear without destroying the plane.

I disputed the charge and received a refund from my CC. I recommend using a payment method that includes buyer’s protection if you choose to do business with BH. BH’s customer and technical support are terrible.


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Banana Hobby is ranked #142 out of 375 in shopping