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Compare EZ Power Saver

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1 reviews
0.50 / 5

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EZ Power Saver: not active

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EZ Power Saver: no

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EZ Power Saver



Wish I could give it a zero

"I received their products, which were cheap pieces of junk. One of those heaters wouldn't even warm my bathroom. The so-called "power savers" have been exposed as worthless and ineffective all over the internet. So I contacted them in the middle of the night and to my surprise, someone answered the phone. When I said I was dissatisfied and wanted a refund I was provided with an RMA # and an address to which to ship it back. After not seeing a refund credited back to me after 2 months I called again. Now the number was out of service. So I sent an email and no reply. Waited, then sent a second email and still no reply. Contacted PayPal and relayed this entire incident. Fortunately, I had taken a photo of the return package with the RMA#, address and USPS tracking # all plainly visible. I reported them to PayPal as perpetrating fraud since the product I received did not match what I ordered and that I no longer even had the product and could not contact the seller. After another month's wait while PayPal investigated, I finally got my money back. BEWARE OF THESE SCAMMERS. They are not legit."


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