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Compare Fry's Electronics vs Micro Center

Compare prices, policies, and customer reviews of Fry's Electronics and Micro Center

Overall Satisfaction

The overall satisfaction based on ResellerRatings algorithm that factors in recency of reviews. (Learn More).

84,267 reviews
3.79 / 5

84,851 reviews
1.91 / 5

Activity Rate

How recently the merchant has reached out to customers.

Fry's Electronics: not active
Micro Center: not active

Resolves Issues

Customers can change a negative review to positive after a helpful interaction with these merchants.

Fry's Electronics: no
Micro Center: yes

Helpful Positive Reviews

Positive reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users

Micro Center



Micro Center account setup needs more transparency

"Re: Micro Center - Charlotte, NC.

I recently purchased a discount-priced processor at Micro Center. When I went to check out, I got triggered when I was told that I had to create an account. The manager came over and explained that high-demand, low inventory items must be tracked in order to thwart scalpers and to create a level playing field for every customer. Having to create an account is a bit of a hassle, but understandable. Still, I'm not sure what I signed up for when I created an account. [NOTE: I contacted customer support and they do provide the means to delete your account.]

Helpful Critical Reviews

Critical reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users

Micro Center



Horrible customer experience in the Houston tx location

"On 3/23 my wife went to do a return , basically returning a gaming labtop that I purchased from microcenter . I have indeed purchased 4 labtops within the last 30 days , and have exchanged them either due to thermals , performance not what it was advertised or reviewed or defective unit . Last purchase was a msi Titan 18hx , when spending 5k on gaming labtop , which is a very expensive investment you have to be 100 percent about the product your buying . My biggest concern today isn’t the fact they were upset because I swapped the device , my two major concerns are one the way the General manager approached her asking her what happened ?? And his tone and his approach , he stated that he wouldn’t be able to do any more returns due his loss of money from a financial side , which we did anyways because it was within the return period , as a general manager he should have greeted her first asked what is the reason her husband keeps returning labtops , as a leader running his building where all his associates are watching him and how he offers customer service in a time where every dollar spent could be detrimental to his business survival he actually doesn’t care . I hope this review reaches as many people as possible to understand that customer service and how you are treated is very important because people now have options , and where to shop . Their listed specs don’t match what their vendors send them and that is a problem . For example the MSI titan was advertised and listed that it will run the 64 Gig ram configuration at 5600MHZ which it doesn’t not . Out the box it runs at 4000MHZ and once you manually set the timings to anything above 5200 it becomes unstable and crashes . That isn’t the consumer fault that’s their fault . Also their open box items are stated that they are open box , meaning that a customer purchased them and returned them which now is an open box which isn’t the case for their open box policy . Their open box could mean they opened the unit for repair , or faulty screen which in that case should be listed as refurbished or reconditioned . I’m already in touch with with their corporate office and will be also filing a BBB complaint against this location for how they treated my wife . This is by far the most poor service I have ever acknowledged in my entire retail career ."


See how each seller ranks within their respective category. Category rank is computed by comparing the aggregate rating of each merchant with more than 150 reviews.

Fry's Electronics is ranked #2 out of 187 in business & industrial

Micro Center is ranked #1 out of 393 in computers & electronics