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Compare Atascocita Montessori - 19120 W. Lake Houston Pkwy

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Atascocita Montessori - 19120 W. Lake Houston Pkwy: not active

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Atascocita Montessori - 19120 W. Lake Houston Pkwy: no

Helpful Positive Reviews

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Atascocita Montessori - 19120 W. Lake Houston Pkwy



"We almost left when our child was in the toddler class. The teachers were very disrespectful to us in general, tried to tell us how to parent her, and they also pressured our child to potty training BEFORE SHE TURNED TWO! Things are going better with Ms April (except that one of the awful toddler teachers is now assisting in April's class). April communicates frequently and with great info. She is collaborative instead of trying to boss us around, she respects that WE are the parents AND that our child has feelings and needs as a human being too. She also seems very knowledgeable about the Montessori methods of teaching. Hopefully we continue to have a good experience in this class. Was super UNHAPPY with the toddler teachers in Pine room - Angela and Kelsee"

Verified Atascocita Montessori - 19120 W. Lake Houston Pkwy Shopper

Helpful Critical Reviews

Critical reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users

Atascocita Montessori - 19120 W. Lake Houston Pkwy



"It has been OK. I wish there was someone to greet us at the front desk consistently . Also the school needs to be updated painted, new doors replaced… a remodel of sorts. More teach individual instruction time during activities"

Verified Atascocita Montessori - 19120 W. Lake Houston Pkwy Shopper


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