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Compare Swanson Health Products vs Puritan's Pride

Compare prices, policies, and customer reviews of Swanson Health Products and Puritan's Pride

Overall Satisfaction

The overall satisfaction based on ResellerRatings algorithm that factors in recency of reviews. (Learn More).

132 reviews
0.50 / 5

15,511 reviews
1.92 / 5

Activity Rate

How recently the merchant has reached out to customers.

Swanson Health Products: not active
Puritan's Pride: not active

Resolves Issues

Customers can change a negative review to positive after a helpful interaction with these merchants.

Swanson Health Products: no
Puritan's Pride: no

Helpful Positive Reviews

Positive reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users

Helpful Critical Reviews

Critical reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users

Swanson Health Products



Zero stars

"Swansons has a REALLY WEIRD WAY of processing orders. Meaning they don't even put a hold on the money for 24-48 hours THEN they charge shipping SEPARATELY 2-3 days later when they finally ship the order. Oh and good luck getting the order refunded after they've overdrafted your account by charging at weird times, they'll 100% blame the banks and you'll be lucky you get anything back at all. Still waiting on what I thought would be a FULL refund but customer service says is only ten bucks (not my whole purchase) and swears they've already issued despite it not being in my bank. 100% sure they're crooks and I'll be telling everyone I know not to trust them."

Puritan's Pride



Out of stock!

"I have been a customer for decades! In the past year they have been out of stock on most of the products I purchase from them! I am no longer a customer because of this! "


See how each seller ranks within their respective category. Category rank is computed by comparing the aggregate rating of each merchant with more than 150 reviews.

Swanson Health Products does not meet the criteria to be ranked

Puritan's Pride is ranked #4 out of 60 in health