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Overall Satisfaction

The overall satisfaction based on ResellerRatings algorithm that factors in recency of reviews. (Learn More).

219 reviews
0.50 / 5

Activity Rate

How recently the merchant has reached out to customers.

Ursime: stale

Resolves Issues

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Ursime: no

Helpful Positive Reviews

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Excellent Customer Service

"Was very pleased with their Customer Service; went above and beyond. "

Helpful Critical Reviews

Critical reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users





"Do not order from this disgusting company. The clothes are cheap Chinese made items. This is a rip off. When you want to return an item, they put you through pure hell and tell you to take a picture of the return letter and place it into the return box with the letter. Crazy senseless, clown business. If you are in a circus, then this is the best store to buy items. Because you will 100% look like a clown or circus act. This is $55 that I wasted, but I will give it to the good will as a donation. I’m going to run off so nobody will see how I insulted them by donating this clown business. I hope this helps! Stay AWAY!!! "


See how each seller ranks within their respective category. Category rank is computed by comparing the aggregate rating of each merchant with more than 150 reviews.

Ursime is ranked #38 out of 44 in beauty & fitness