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Compare Payless ShoeSource Inc. vs Famous Footwear

Compare prices, policies, and customer reviews of Payless ShoeSource Inc. and Famous Footwear

Overall Satisfaction

The overall satisfaction based on ResellerRatings algorithm that factors in recency of reviews. (Learn More).

5 reviews
2.00 / 5

5,283 reviews
0.81 / 5

Activity Rate

How recently the merchant has reached out to customers.

Payless ShoeSource Inc.: not active
Famous Footwear: not active

Resolves Issues

Customers can change a negative review to positive after a helpful interaction with these merchants.

Payless ShoeSource Inc.: no
Famous Footwear: no

Helpful Positive Reviews

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Helpful Critical Reviews

Critical reviews found most helpful by ResellerRatings users

Famous Footwear



They’re quick to take your money though..

"My fiancé ordered boots for me for Xmas. I had to pick them up, we were looking all over and here said they were in stock. I get there, mind you it’s Xmas time, around 6pm at night, mad traffic and I live over 20 min away. I get there and they can’t find my order and then one of the cashiers says to me was it a 7 1/2 ladies? I said yeah, she says we rejected that this morning. So I reiterated so you cancelled the order? Then she says all rude with this irritated look on her face, we rejected it. What happened to being a little more empathetic to a customer that just drove in rush hour traffic to pick up something and go home empty handed? She acted like I was bothering her, when I wouldn’t have went there if I didn’t have an order to pick up. So I call my fiancée and explain what happened, he gets on there customer service and they say it will take 2-10 days to get his money back. 2-10 days! Right before Xmas, like people have it like that to just wait an extra 10 days to get over $100 back. They took the money before without the guarantee of the product. But they were quick to take that money though. On the bright side, I’m a researcher. Went on Foot Locker and behold I find the same thing, same exact price and it’s being shipped to me. Moral of the story… the only thing Famous Footwear is Fanous for is letting you down. Go to Foot Locker instead and even let them come to you for the same price. God Bless!"


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Payless ShoeSource Inc. does not meet the criteria to be ranked

Famous Footwear is ranked #44 out of 361 in shopping