"AliExpress is a mixed bag of 95% good and 5% crap. The vast majority of products, if you do your research, are well priced and decent quality. It's the random 5% that is just pure junk and should be avoided. Most vendors are honest and ship the products quickly. You are unfortunately at the mercy of the free postal system, which can take weeks to months for parcels to arrive. Yes, you can pay for faster shipping, but that isn't 1/ Guaranteed to be faster, 2/ Is usually hideously expensive.
It's definitely a place to pick up a bargain, or that odd item you just cannot buy locally. I spend too much money on AliExpress !"
"Compro mas de 100 productos en cantidades pequeñas para yo mismo reparar equipos electrónicos y para venderlos a otros técnicos.
"es un placer comprar aquin"
"buenos precio, entrega rápida y perfecta resolución en caso de retraso de entrega"
"הקניה נחשלה ואני מצטער
בכל אופן תודה
"Hasta ahora he tenido que realizar muy pocas reclamaciones pero siempre me he sentido muy arropada por AliExpress"
"Заказываю давно, уже года 3, всё нравится."
"Сайт работает хорошо. Развивается. Появляются новые функции, особенно поддержка."
"from the small screw to car"
"Оперативно решает все вопросы и уважает покупателей."
"Покупаю на сайте переодически, все просто замечательно.Был один раз спорный момент с продавцом, решили очень быстро."
"Everything OK, good quality, I recommend to all"
"A compact individual package that fits the shape of the product and was ideal for resale on the internet."
"Same as the titel. I'm very satysfaith."
"I always shop at ALIEXPRESS, I love it."