"First, when ordering from AnimeChina, or any other Hong Kong located individual seller, you need to be aware that the products they sell are NOT the real thing. They are bootlegs or knockoffs made in HK factories quickly and cheaply. They may fall apart or have steel etc. in the stuffing as they are made in factories. Think of it like going to the dollar store and buying a red cross eyed Pikachu knockoff. In Hong Kong, these are sold for 4 times LESS than what they are sold overseas to gullible Americans for. They are not meant to be collected,re-sold, or given as gifts. I have seen reviews from people on Amazon who got such fake items for their kids, grandkids, and significant others with no idea that they were fake.
That said, if you ask AnimeChina if her products are authentic, she will tell you that they are NOT.
I ordered a plush pillow, knowing that it was a knock-off because nothing even remotely similar to it was ever made as official merchandise, but wanting it to use an an actual pillow (because when you order an actual collectible, you cannot use it as it decreases value...)
My pillow arrived quickly and with free shipping. It is extremely well made for what it is. It has not fallen apart yet, even a month later, and it's cute."
"love ordering from this place! once my apartment building forgot a package from them and they sent a replacement no questions asked. great customer service."
"I ordered plush pokemon toys that said set of 5. They were a really good price for 5 plush toys so I ordered several different ones. My kids are in a pokemon club and the other Moms wanted them for christmas for their kids too. I received 1 of each. When I wrote to the company they said they order them 5 at a time from the factory but sell them each. So I paid 5 times what I thought I was going to. They are nice toys but not worth what I paid. And the deceptive advertising bothers me."
"I happened to order a Fullmetal Alchemist Pocketwatch from AnimeChina- however, after I ordered it, I suddenly realized that I would probably get it too late to take with me on my trip to Boston. It arrived within 12 days, in top quality condition. I'd buy from them again, no question."