"It has taken a long time to prove that this site is as fake as they come and over a period of time i have seen the same profiles again and again and this is over a five year period
there is no doubt that there is AI being used the company supplies the portfolio with all the information and photos so when you think that you are talking to the same person actually you are not when the person becomes tired of you they hand it over to someone else and i have seen this happen on all occasions
its easy to pick because what they say and the way it is written is completely different
also some of the women that i have known for a long time don't remember me and what they say is not what i would expect
as it has been said by others whgen you ask for email or any personal things you just dont get a response they are good at sucking you in with there sincerity and thats about all there is no real people on this site so dont become a victim "
"Most likely this company ---> AsiaTalks is a scammer only interested in stealing your money. First thing is the costs to use their "services" is extremely high and completely absurd and very ridiculous, to say the least. You could pay anywhere from about $60 to $150 or so for a complete year of full services without any extra costs or fees on many other dating or introduction websites. But not on AsiaTalks, however you do get more than plenty of attention from the "girls" on AsiaTalks... that is if they are real girls but most likely not and AsiaTalks is probably using A.I. to make it seem like a real woman is emailing or chatting with you which of course causes you to run out of their very expensive credits and then you get to pay for more and more credits and how lucky you are then huh? It only becomes very obvious after awhile that none of the "girls" have read your profile by what they or rather "it" communicates with you in their first emails and chats and also afterwards. And after many dozens and perhaps a hundred or more of the "A.I. girls" send you their first communication it is completely and blatantly obvious that the "girls" are not real at all but simply an A.I. program running on the AsiaTalks website to convince you it's all real.... but it's not! The back and forth communications with the A.I. girls seems like it is very real but that's how A.I. works as you are probably aware of the A.I. technology making things seem real but it is all artificial and fake. If you were to ask any of the girls that you have been chatting with to give their email address or offer them yours you will get a negative response. And why is that you may ask... it's because none of the A.I. girls are real... there are no real women on AsiaTalks. The only thing real at AsiaTalks are scammers constantly raking in your money with their highly overrated thieving prices. You could very easily spend several hundreds of dollars or more on this scamming website and for what? Only to be deceived and lied to by fake women that only seem real and with much of your time wasted. By the way isn't it very interesting that any of the so called "women" on AsiaTalks hardly ever need to sleep? They seem to be online and responding to messages around the clock for the most part. Once in awhile you do see them as offline... perhaps it's a maintenance cycle for that particular A.I. program... lol. Anyway they are online when they would supposedly be sleeping before waking up for going to their work or business and other similar circumstances. They are online and responding to your messages when they could not as a real person because a real person actually needs to sleep unlike a computerized A.I. program designed to deceive you and rip you off... Yep! And there is something odd about many of the "girls" photos, like they are solarized or something. Solarized is a special effect just so you know. And of course with A.I. technology they can create very realistic images of anything... including a beautiful woman for which most are on this scammers website, but they do toss in a few not so beautiful "women" perhaps to make it seem real and kind of balanced.... yeah sure! So you can ignore all of the responses here that are positive as there is a very good chance and it is very likely that they have been posted by AsiaTalks aka the scammers to create a sense of legitimacy or it could possibly be by those who have not yet realized they are being scammed, so sad and unfortunate for them. But do watch out for any posts here that seem real, as again it is likely a post from AsiaTalks or perhaps one of their A.I. bots. You can and should also ignore any negative and opposing responses to my comment here from the AsiaTalks scammers because they will of course try to defend their scamming operation. However if you want to find out the hard way and waste your money and your time and have your hopes dashed for meeting a real woman then by all means go ahead and proceed.... but later on you might be posting here something similar to what I have posted to hopefully warn others away from this scamming website to save you the time and money and from being very disappointed by fake and unreal women that only lead you on and that do not actually exist on AsiaTalks. Now let's see what the liars and scammers at AsiaTalks will say in response to my posting here... of course it will be all lies just like the lies and deceptions perpetrated on their website. Anyway, good luck."
"I figured out very quickly how to watch streams, discuss them live. I also figured out how to select a user for communication. By the way, you can browse all the profiles yourself, customize the search parameters."
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