"I was very surprised to find this web site and I am thinking I found it way too late but I would like to make a comment any way. First things first, I regret buying this computer from Axis. From day one I have had nothing but problems with my system. They replaced more components because their technical support was impossible to reach. I wasted more hours on hold then I did raising my 2 daughters! My computer is very sick and has been for quite some time. I will be taking it to a PC doctor very soon. AXIS, I wish you nothing but a lot of very bad viruses. "
"Axis Systems went under and Integrity offered to pick up their warranty service at a 'discount' to the users. Axis ripped me off by replacing my DVD drive that went dead with an older slower model days before they stopped doing business. Integrity's 'discount' was 20% HIGHER (not including the shipping!) than I could get a replacement drive locally. They have no interest in providing Axis customers with warranty service, they just want an easy method of selling parts to people with no means of getting Axis to provide support."