"I made a mistake taking measurements and ordered the wrong size wheels for an old go-kart. BMI Karts & Parts was great about helping me exchange them. They are not fast, but their customer service is good. And, the wheels I ended up with are perfect. I will definitely order from them again."
"BMI Karts was fantastic to deal with. I was happy to get the go-kart part for a great price shipped to Canada! -Steve"
"This outfit has a large inventory of minibike gokart related items with everything advertised in stock, unless otherwise noted. The customer service is friendly and helpful. The ordering process was easy and straight forward without any glitches. I was given immediate order confirmation and two days later the items were shipped and I was e-mailed a UPS tracking number. After delivery five days later one of the items I received was damaged in shipment, and customer service was notified. I was promised a replacement part as soon as one is available. I received the replacement part on the 29th as promised. This business meets its obligations to customers and I will do business with them again. I recommend BMI Karts as an honest business. "