"I ordered the 14 Season DVD collection of Dallas. However, when I received it, it was a copy of the original. I contacted the seller, b/c of it not only being a copy but b/c 4 discs didnt even work. I complained b/c I did not know I was buying a copy. The seller replied that Dallas has never been officially released and that this is a "Fan Release". Dallas was released on DVD in 2000 by Warner. He offered to replace the discs, however since no where on the website blackstardvd.com does it say this is a "copy", it just states the dvds are brand new. I requested a full refund including return shipping b/c I felt I was mislead about what I was purchasing. I filed a dispute through paypal, not a claim, and he responded quickly. He also settled the dispute quickly and paypal closed it. I asked how would he send payment for the $30.50 return shipping, he said he would credit my paypal account when he received. I trusted he would and returned the DVDs, when he received he did not credit. I emailed him about this and he said "Is the Paypal dispute closed?", I said yes and sent him proof. He has stopped all communication now, it has been 3 weeks.
I am a frequent internet consumer and a merchant myself. I've NEVER experienced or practiced such POOR business ethics."