"Please make yourself a favor and DO NOT order from BookXpres.com or any of it's sites, such as Austin-books.com, ezytexbook.com, etc. All sites look very similar but are masked under the same Hong Kong operation. It may be a scam.
My experience:
1. Ordered, got confirmation from austin-books.com
2. Waited 5 days (3 business days) for order status to change from "New Order".
3. E-mailed through site to inquire about order status.
4. (2 hours later)Receive official e-mail from ****@**** that I've been charged.
5. (1 hour after that) Receive e-mail from ****@****: "cancelled out of stock" and another from ****@**** verbatim: "Cancelled. no stock. Try www.ezytextbook.com"
6. Reply requesting immediate refund and explanation why charge if it's not in stock
7. Receive the following: "we didnt charge you. we sell international edition textbook"
8. Calling my bank to report company and request charge void.
Do not order from any of these sites or sites that look similar."