"I purchased and tried out seat for 3 wks & feel it's slightly too small for my 4 month old baby. I requested a return within 30 days but the seller refuse to take the return. This is his email:
"Our return policy is to give people the opportunity to return the product when they receive it and they are not happy with the product. It is not for people to use the product until there kid out grows it and then return it. I do not believe that you still qualify to return the seat after your have used it for a couple of weeks."
I have made many purchase online and after email him a few times, he clearly just don't want to take the return. I didn't want to bother w/ this seller anymore so ended up just sold this seat on craigslist.
I ended purchased a Healthy Care Booster Seat by Fisher-Price for $24 instead and is really happy w/ it.