"I was provided with no receipt or confirmation # from the seller. The only proof that I have purchased the product is the PayPal transaction Number. I have tried to contact the seller through numerous e-mails sent through my e-mail account and through PayPal and they do not respond. The telephone # provided to PayPal is disconnected and when you Google it, it does not come back to this company. I feel as though this is a fraud deal, the funds came out very quickly. To look up the transaction online you have to provide a transaction# that is not available to the customer. I could not print a receipt...it quickly jumped right to the pay pal area and I could not get back to their confirmation page to write down the number or make a copy.
"Something really strange about this internet store. I ordered an IN STOCK item, with 3 day shipping. Sent many emails to find out status. They never answered me. Tried to find out location of store finally found store and owners name and address Tried calling. Only answer machine, However my order was cancelled the day after investigation started. BEWARE! I think they are collecting credit card numbers. Check your accounts."