"The Children’s Courtyard has helped bring out a happiness in my child I didn’t know existed. Overall this has been a wonderful experience for myself and my son. Can’t wait to see what PreK has to offer in preparation for Kindergarten."
"When the regular teachers assigned to the infant room are present - it is great- the only issues I ever have had are when someone that isn't standard is in the infant room and doesn't quite know the children well. But Rachel and Sherri are wonderful infant teachers and I always know my child is in great hands with them!"
"We love the school and the teachers. The kids love going to school everyday."
"Teachers and staff are always polite and genuinely concerned about my child's happiness and care. And the teacher that I had a lot of issues with is no longer there, but it took all year for issues to be resolved and when it comes to a preschooler a year of development is an extremely long time. And time lost. I feel that if I'm paying for a school then they should be learning daily."
"No education and focus on kids. It has just become a place to just keep the kids."
"Overall we are happy. For a while we felt there lacked consistency in the teachers in his classroom, but have seen an improvement recently and that has been much better for our son. I would really love more feedback on his general progress or lack of in areas such as social interaction, speech, accomplishments, and things we need to work on."
"I love this school and the teachers so much! They are so amazing! I’m going to miss them!!!!"
"We have been pleased overall with how our child has done. We would love to get more frequent updates on how our child is doing socially. We have had apps shares with us, but they don't seem to be used as much as we would have hoped."
"I love the center - my child is well cared for and I feel good about leaving her knowing she will be loved on and experience play/learning during the day while I am working. The only change I would like to see with the center is work on the parking lot - the lot is often flooded in areas due to poor drainage/sprinkler system issues. During good weather it causes large puddles that get shoes soaked and during cold weather it causes unnecessary icing which is dangerous for kids and parents."
"Wonderful caring staff that my children look forward to being with and learning from."
"The teachers are fair and caring. The director is very standoffish and has never address me by name even though my child has attended this school for more than 3 years. I do not prefer to do business or speak with that person. There have been several contradictions and inconsistencies regarding tuition, field trips, fees, etc. I have to ask for information regarding these items more than once to ensure I receive the correct information. This location is close to home and school and my child has friends that attend as well, but my overall general experience with this school has been less than stellar."
"We are excited to have our son move to the pre k room because this is one teacher that has been there the longest and we hope she doesn't get fed up and find somewhere else. My son has had too many teachers for the amount of time he's been here and the inconsistency is ridiculous. I fear walking into his room and seeing what new guy is in the classroom with his pregnant, unmarried teacher. I did not enroll him for the summer for this very reason, I'm hoping when he returns that I can have him immediately moved to the pre k classroom so he does not have to be with the preschool 2 teacher who only really babysits. Very disappointed and wish I could get my registration for the fall for BOTH of my kids back and go somewhere else."
"The curriculum seems to vary a lot. There are some days where our child seems to have been through specific lessons and other days it seems like it was more of a 'babysitting' environment where no learning took place. Hopefully this gets better!"
"Everyone was super friendly and knowledgeable. It was tidy and clean."
"Tamara was very friendly, she greeted us with a warm smile. She was enthusiastic during our tour, answering all of our questions and then some. She was extremely informative regarding the care our child would receive in the infant and then toddler room. We were very pleased with the tour we received."