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Verified Creative Kids - 2385 W. Deer Springs Way Shopper


"Overall it has been a good experience. My only comment or complaint is the process of becoming a new student. The enrollment process and on boarding could use some work. I had to make multiple calls just to confirm we were scheduled to start and there was no new student packet that informed us of all the apps to use."

Verified Creative Kids - 2385 W. Deer Springs Way Shopper


"My overall experience has been great. I enrolled my child when he was a year and a half/2 years old (he's now 3) and the teachers were very welcoming and reassuring. The director is very hands on and understanding, seems to care about my concerns. The only thing as being a single parent, the price is a lot per week, I'd rather do monthly payments of a single (lower) cost. I think that would help me, but it's worth the cost when I hear my child tell me how much fun he's had."

Verified Creative Kids - 2385 W. Deer Springs Way Shopper


"Much closer to home. Wish they handled the Naccra process in house, but Julie has been very helpful! Only complaint is that when my child attended on Xmas eve, no nap was offered & we weren’t told that was happening. It completely ruined our holiday traditions on Xmas eve bc he was so cranky. I understand having less staff, but a young nap aged child needs the opportunity to rest regardless of the adult issues/ staffing for their overall health/ well being."

Verified Creative Kids - 2385 W. Deer Springs Way Shopper


"We have had a truly wonderful experience with our daughter at Creative Kids on Deer Springs. From the Director and all of the staff. Our daughter started at 18 months and was incredibly behind on her milestones, and being tested for delays and speech. She has truly blossomed in the last year and a half beyond what we could’ve ever wished or imagined. I cannot say enough about the great staff, who greet us morning and night with a smile and make her feel so welcome. They found ways to operate during COVID and have kept everyone safe in such a challenging situation. Every single person who works there deserves a huge raise! I cannot speak highly enough"

Verified Creative Kids - 2385 W. Deer Springs Way Shopper


"Very good & my child loves it. Just wish I knew who her teacher was and what they do & learn on a daily bases. I know covid has placed strived restrictions but it would be nice to know who she is"



We LOVE this location!!!

"Everyone really loves our kids! Amazing communication. Never been happier"

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