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CRC Of Raritan Valley

2 reviews
1.00 / 5

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"I found CRC of Raritan Valley capable of using confusing wording, intimidation, sending blurry unreadable copies of contracts, intimidation and lying to scam me for hundreds of dollars.

The "supervisors" are intractable and in particular, Lucy will yell, be horribly rude, interrupt me, and be deliberately obtuse. Of the last three conversations we have had not only has she threatened me, she has hung up on me.

I am unable to deal with the magazine companies directly; the third party payment and as CRC said "the Privacy Act" prevents me from doing anything to benefit myself. I have sent them letters telling them to stop delivery, as they supposedly already have their money perhaps they will. If I receive any more issues I am bundling them up and sending them to CRC in care of Lucy.

I have refused to pay CRC anymore money as I feel I've paid for the year of subscriptions and do not want another three years. I was told I could change the magazines initially, but when I tried to do so they said my choices were not on a list that could be changed. I was also told I had hundreds of choices; it seems I have no choice at all. They did send me a pathetic list of magazines they offer and it was no where near hundreds, more like a few dozen.

All I want is to be done with these slimy people and warn anyone else, incloding the subscription departments of magazines not to do business with CRC of Raritan Valley.

Thank You.

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"This company sells magazines. The first time they called they talked to my wife Melissa, telling her that she was getting a free magazine subscription. They called a second time and double-talked her into a 5 year subscription and ripped her off with a contract that she would pay them about 150 bucks. Melissa found out she was swindled when she called trying to cancel the subscription because the first salesperson told her that she could cancel at any time.
(The third call) Melissa was very upset and the salesperson at CRC told her that she was going to cancel her subscription and send her a bill which would be half the original amount, which would amount to about 75 bucks. Melissa got a bill in the mail for the original amount ($150) and called CRC to explain the arrangement the other salesperson made with her. The lady at CRC treated her rudely and told her that she is trying to "rip off" CRC.
They got my wife so upset that she started crying, and then they put their supervisor on the phone, who picks up the phone and tells my wife that she is going to hang up if my wife doesn't stop crying.
The supervisor, I think her name was Linda, treated Melissa extremely rudely, and constantly cut her off while she was trying explain things. Then she played back the recorded conversation between my wife and the second salesperson, and mysteriously didn't have a recording of the first salesperson who called and told her she was getting a free magazine subscription and was only paying 7 bucks for shipping and could cancel any time.
The supervisor proceeded to badger my wife and then hung up on her. My wife called back and the supervisor told her that she would press chrarges on my wife if she called back again. This is not exactly my idea of customer service. I reported them to the Better Business Bureau. If you have a problem with them, I suggest you do the same. Criminals like this deserve to get punished. The BBB's website is

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Customer service being knowledgeable
Customer service making decisions on their own
Customer service being trustworthy
Customer service resolving problems
Customer service being easy to reach
Product Returns/Refunds/Exchanges
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