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Verified Childtime - 1714 North Charlotte Avenue Shopper


"I've been really happy with the teachers that have been in their rooms since we started attending this school. The rotation of teachers in some of the other rooms has been challenging at times, particularly when it isn't apparent to me if it was a temporary or permanent switch. My kids' teachers are important to me and I like being informed about who is teaching them. Most of the teachers are exceptionally caring and treat my kids like their own. We've been very happy here."

Verified Childtime - 1714 North Charlotte Avenue Shopper


"I feel that when you have to buzz in, someone should be in the lobby area with you until you are able to see the director to keep the visitor from wondering inside the school. Once you are inside those doors nothing else is protected you are looking over the entire school. People are to mean these days. I feel there should be a process in place when visitors come and they have to wait just a second to see someone. Somebody needs to stay with that visitor or a seating area. Other than that, I think the school is perfect and I cant wait to enroll my grandchild."