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"I must have made an order at a bad time; customer service admitted that several customers at this time were cancelling orders. Trying to make a very long story short - my order was placed on April 9. After a week of no activity in processing I called for the status. The store had been closed for a week which was not reflected on the website. A week later still no progress, called again and billing had been close 2 weeks. They did complete billing process and I was assured it was not a stock issue, they were just behind - this was April 20th. Next week still no activity, called and they stated shipping dept. was behind due to the two weeks they were closed, again assured not a stock issue. Next week called and was told they were waiting for the item to arrive from Cannon and should be in the end of week EVEN THOUGH I was assured twice it was not a stock issue and when I originally placed the order the website said in stock. Called today and was told they were awaiting shipment any day so who knows when it would actually be received. I cancelled my order today and order the same camera for $30 more at B&H and it will be shipped tomorrow. I am still annoyed that had been upfront from the beginning I would not waited OVER a month now for a camera. I originally went with because they were the lowest price on and the reviews were good. I have notice they are no longer listed on DON'T ALWAYS GO WITH THE CHEAPEST PRICE BECAUSE IT COULD COST YOU IN THE LONG RUN!!!"

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