"Seller's product is high quality."
"I hope this adapter is the right one. "
"Cheapest cost and only place to find this item other than Dell"
"Simple quick and easy transaction"
"Simply googled what I needed, they had it at a reasonable rate, purchased within one minute."
"Had a thorough description of charger which included specs. Crucial since there are two plug sizes for the same model laptop."
"Site was easy to find item. Priced good. Use of PayPal is perfect . Thank you"
"Great price and was quick to find what I needed, "
"HAPPY TO GET A CHARGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
"It was good just took a few attempts to figure out how to pay "
"Easy order process. Easy website"
"where I bought this monitor they wanted $59.00 to replace it. Your price is very reasonable. Thanks for being here."
"I won't know until I receive my items how my experience using your site ir"
"I hope to receive my package in a nice and friendly manner"
"Easy and fast... Good pricing"