"Loads an executable .dll file renaming it a .cid file. When you go to remove coupon.com's sofware, it acts like a Trojan and re-infects your computer every single time you start it up again. It's buried deeply within the system and CANNOT be removed by altering files or registry.
It collects your mobo serial number, your Windows serial number and many other items which I imagine sends it who knows where. Coupon.com is supposed to be eTrust verified if so do not trust coupons.com or eTrust!!
Good luck getting rid of it when you find it. "
"Be wary of installing their software which is required to print their coupons. They will do their best to hijack your computer. By default their adware toolbar will be installed. Furthermore, they attempt to gain control of your system settings like your default printer. I notice, too, that the retailers have to go to the coupons.com partner website to get their money for the coupon. Everything about this shady operation seems shady."