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Cancellation takes 30 days!

"Trying to cancel my service before it ends next month. I called support and they said icannof do it over the phone. I have to go to the website and fill out an order form. I didn't realize until I started the form that the order will take around 30 days for "processing". The fine prints says you can't cancel until 1 month before contract expires or you will be charged with early termination fee. Problem is if it is one day late, due to "processing" or you canceling late, you will be charged the whole month, and not prorated. I have been with them for 4 years, and prices have been increasing every year. Now they go and pull this crap. I bet anyone wanting to cancel probably didn't realize they have to do it a month in advance. Also, the month out of contract is significantly more expensive. Under contract, I'm paying $37. Without, I'm paying $50. I have canceled my credit card just to fight this indignation. What a bunch of greedy scammers. I hope they go bankrupt soon."

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"Absolute trash now. Once was good, but not in recent years, went downhill big-time.
If you are lucky and manage to never have any problems with them, good for you.
But, If you DO ever actually need service for anything, oh, you have been warned!!

They have outsourced everything. (their big selling point used to be 100% USA based service forever, and they broke that promise due to their choosing greed and profits over actually providing a quality service anymore. Fyi they are just a reseller, a middleman, they do NOT won the actual wires and service, the telco's do, and yes they DO charge more than if you just go directly through ATT/ Verizon etc. (and you get LESS for your extra expense! The only thing you have to potentially gain is tremendous stress and agony and threats of being charged an early termination fee (when the problems are THEIR fault!!), and the list goes on and on. They lie and they cheat, I wish I was making this up and did not go through this long ordeal with them but it is sadly reality. I am not the only one, just search for reviews on these clowns and you will see SOOO many horror stories.

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" is an Internet Provider. They used to be local to the Los Angeles Area and their big selling point was their local service, including Tech Support. Now, like so many companies, they have outsourced ALL their incoming calls to foreign call centers. These call centers are peopled by those who have a difficult time understanding questions in simple English. Unfortunately many are going to be mis-led by their radio ads here locally on KFI640 AM that tout this provider as low cost.

DSLextreme has become greedy with long time customers, and has dramatically raised rates on those who buy their promotional once-a-year annual contract plans for DSL service by upping the annual fee from $13/mo to $19/mo for returning customers. I have only had their DSL service for 1 year, having been a dial-up customer previously. I did, however, recommend their DSL service to a friend 4 years ago, and when she renewed it was at the some rate of $13/mo. AT&T is offering the same service for $15/mo, and their modem becomes the customers property when they get AT&T’s service. There is a $200 fee for not returning the DSLextreme modem at contract termination.

The company’s higher cost of service and lower quality of support makes this company uncompetitive with other providers. The last time I experienced this sort of quality deterioration my provider at the time went out of business and I lost half of the service on an annual contract. I do not want that experience again so I will be adopting AT&T’s service. The DSLextreme customer service person I talked to, and have an email from stating the same, said that they had to raise their rates to this level because of the line lease rates provided them by AT&T. That is not my problem, but theirs, and if they feel it is unfair they need to take that up with their lawyers.
The following is an addendum to the previous review.

After doing some shopping for other providers, and prying the details of the consequences of moving my service to AT&T from DSLextreme, I discovered that AT&T is using the same sort of bait and switch tactics for retuning customer. After the first contract year AT&T’s annual contract for returning customers is $34. That is more than TWICE as much as AT&T’s promotional rate. DSLextreme uses AT&T bulk rates to supply their customers with Internet service. What I believe is going on here is the same thing that existed before the break-up of the AT&T monopoly. AT&T is strangling any sort of competition, and apparently has the Federal Government’s blessing. This probably works well with their Patriot Act strategies to have one phone company controlling all phone communications for an implied agenda to monitor “terrorists”, but is really about lining AT&T’s pockets at consumer expense and satisfying the governments penchant for control beyond Constitutional restrictions.

Unlike as recently as 5 years ago, there are no other providers in this area that have competing prices. The only other provider, besides the aforementioned, is cable by Time-Warner. It is significantly more.

I attempted to get back with DSLestreme again to get the details because their website indicated an upgrade was available for $1 extra for an existing customer. It also indicated a DOWNGRADE could be done to receive a promotional rate (currently). So I called their Sales Dept, that is now located in the Philippines, where heretofore it was local. I wanted to find out what a renewal for an existing customer was after upgrading from Basic to Basic+ and was told it was $1 more. But I also wanted to know what Basic+ customers were being charged for renewals as existing customers. After asking this question I was disconnected 3 times. I’m not sure if that was an indication of poor phone service to the Philippines, or whether it was a question they did not want to answer. It leaves me with the suspicion that renewing Basic+ as an existing customer a year from now will be significantly more, as that probably is the case currently, so they did not want to answer that question.

Given the devaluing nature of the US dollar, I can understand why these increases are happening, and why they will continue into the future. But the question is why those who are in a position to change the declining value of the money are not actively trying to lobby for a return to sound money. Apparently it is to their benefit that they can continue to ask for more in the future and scam everyone in the process. In my humble opinion this strategy is beginning to backfire since people have had enough as can be seen by the protestations in the news over the greed and illegal activity taking place in the financial industry which goes unpunished.

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