"Same problem as other rater - Seller refused to deliver item and then issued only a partial refund. I was willing to purchase the item again from this seller but only after receiving a full refund.
I do not believe I should be held responsible for cancelling an order when the seller refused to deliver. Seller should either deliver item or provide full refund."
"Do not waste your time by placing any orders here. Placed my order on 26-Jun-2008, on 28-Jun received an email WITHOUT any explanation that my order has been canceled. "
" I place an Order#359 on July/3/2008,and provide an address they could not ship to;I provide a new address via email.They told me"Please rekey your order and your earlier order will be refunded. Simply cancelling the order after it has been placed will subject it to 10% cancellation fee per website terms and conditions. "
I canceled this order,they charge 10% cancellation fee !"