"I found out the hard way what originalreaper already knew: easymusicdownload does, in fact, seem to be a scam. I paid my money. The link took me to a site to where one can download an out-dated copy of LimeWire. LimeWire can be had for free, and may not be legal to use under certain circumstances. As far as I can tell, easymusicdownload.com offers no actual product or service whatsoever. I can't find any music on the site to download.
When I paid my credit card bill, I phoned the credit card company and they agreed to remove the charge from my card and said they would contact easymusicdownload and try to recover the payment. When I paid my credit card bill, I phoned the credit card company and they agreed to remove the charge from my card and said they would contact easymusicdownload and try to recover the payment."
This place uses modified shareaza source code to rob people of $20. First of all, the service is still illegal. Musicians and labels do not get a penny for this. Second of all, the same service is available at http://www.shareaza.com/ for FREE. Thirdly, well, need I say more? They're charging for something that's free and making you steal for it.
The downloads speed/service suck, too.
Scam scam scam."