"I ordered a HDTV and gave my credit card number. I got an email back that said their they were changing their credit card processor so the order was unsucessful. Change should be complete by the first of next year but they could not guarantee the price. I would never order from them again. here is their complete message.
Unfortunately your order was not successful as we have a technical problem with our credit card payments processor.
Your credit card was not charged.
The credit card processor will be back online on 1st of January. We are signing a new contract with PayPal as a credit card processor.
During this period we are able to receive payments by Western Union Money in Minutes transfer. You will also get an additional 5% discount to cover the transfer fee.
You may reply to this email in order to send you the necessary detailed payment instructions or cancel the order.
Please note that we can not guarantee the availability and price of your item until the credit card processor is back online (we are prioritizing the customers who use Western Union).