"I don't understand this site. I was googling around and noticed that this site has the video ipod for pretty cheap. And so I decided to go through the order process to find out the totals so I can have my dad order it for me. But for some weird reason, when I reached the payment method, it didn't show the payment types at all. No form to fill out the CC number/expry. date, and no choosing of which credit card type the consumer uses, either. I thought it might just be Firefox's problem, but when I repeated this process with IE, I got the same problem. I easily completed the order process without being stopped and warned by some random popup telling me that I haven't added in my payment yet. So I contacted the Customer Service and they told me that I should re-order the item. I did, same thing happened. They DID NOT add in the payment type in the order process. I'm disappointed."