"I have bought many emachines over the last 3 years and this is how to make the experience fairly painless. First make sure you understand that you are getting alot for a relatively small amout of money compared to the rest of the computer box sellers out there. Cheap parts, few models, no custom configurations are how they survive. Another overhead item is tech support and service. You can bet that it's a bare minimum service. So with this in mind DO NOT buy through the website. If a model looks interesting use a compusa or best buy type store and GET THE STORES SERVICE PLAN. I normally would say that store service plans are a rip off but not in this case. It's just good risk management. Closely check the details of any plan before you commit. See if it covers a computer that you can use if they decide to send it out to emachines. You don't want that to happen, the machine will be gone for a long, long time. So sounds bad but this past Christmass I went to compusa and bought my mother an emachine that still works fine. The Christmass before I bought my sister an emachine that works fine (and it was a refurb).
Last week I bought my son an Walmart W1500 package and it's being burned in with no problems. I have bought many emachines through best buy for my business with some failures. The failures were power supplies and a modem.
Best buy replaced the computer s with a bad power supply and replaced the modem. Emachines are cheap, buy one but cover you rear with store insurance. "
"Judging by the customers comments,I've come to the conclusion that most of you have no business owning a computer.Cheap computers attract newbie buyers which equal morons who don't know how to program a vcr.j00 = teh geigh please go away KTHXBYE
[H]ard| For Life"
"I've had limited experience with them because of their shoddy equipment. For a good chuckle, check out www.emachinessuck.com and you'll get some good fodder for conversation. It looks like they may have improved since the year 2000."