"When you delve into the murky world of "replica" watches, it really pays to do your homework on the company you're buying from. I checked into EXACTREPLICAS.COM and really couldn't find a lot of negative feedback on their operation. I should have checked more diligently!
I ordered a Breitling replica watch from ExactReplicas. I had seen a similar model aboard a cruise ship with the lofty price tag of $6000, which was a little out of my price range. My "replica" arrived a few weeks later from China, so I doubt it was "in stock" at ExactReplica website. The photo on the website was not exactly the watch I received; however, the Breitling replication was well done.
The Breitling replica told time and the date shifted as one would expect. The chronometer features were totally useless...but they did look good!
I contacted ExactReplicas and got a ticket number with the promise of a reply to my non-functioning chronometer question within 24 hours. That reply, however, was never forthcoming. A phone call went unanswered.
If I were the buyer, I'd seriously think twice about buying from ExactReplicas. I'd also look at the complaints on ComplaintsBoard.com.
UPDATE: JULY 8, 2008: As of this date, ExactReplicas.com HAS NOT provided the replacement watch that was promised. I returned the original Breitling by UPS to a facility in Oakland, California. The watch has now disappeared into the crevice of oblivion, I suspect.
I am reporting ExactReplicas to the following agencies that maintain an interest in Internet commerce:
•the ICCC (Internet Crime Complaint Center) that is affiliated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation
• the Better Business Bureau’s internet commerce division
• the California State Attorney General’s mail fraud division since my original purchase had to be returned to a California address
Obviously, I am changing my Reseller Rating to (THOROUGHLY) DISSATISFIED!