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If you are a larger concern, please ensure that the consultants give you an accurate quote and a guarantee that their products will work

"Sent these folks a very easy project. Took me forever to set up the meeting. Disclaimer: Most of the consultants work in UK not in US you will have to adjust your time schedules to meet their availability. While they basically did the bare bones of the work I asked, it was riddled with unfinished data transfers and rife with errors. The consultant seemed to be in a hurry to be on to something else, largely because he quoted me a lower price and it ended up being almost twice as much. I had no problem paying the extra and would have paid even more to have the project turn out correctly. Their FAIL cost me dearly in time and money. I cannot recommend this company as a reliable source. They may do well with large clients (which is what I think the problem was, my job just was an 'extra' in their eyes and they treated it as such.) As an individual, I would avoid this company like the plague."