"I love this app. It's like the Rolls Royce of VPNs: It costs a bit more than competitors, but you're paying for quality."
"価格はほとんどの以前のVPNよりも少し高めですが、そのパフォーマンスは私が使用したどのVPNよりもはるかに優れています。 スピードテストは、それが最速であり、セキュリティが無敵であることを示していると思います。"
"The smart location feature has been really helpful when I need a fast server to download videos and music. I've always had an awesome experience using it. "
"You've got to love the server connections on this app! I've use it for around a year now and so far, my connections have never dropped when I'm using it."
"Nunca he tenido un problema con la vpn. Tiene servicios de seguridad excelentes, un servicio de atención al cliente fiable una multitud de servidores a elegir."
"Poche VPN offrono i servizi offerti da ExpressVPN con tanta facilità, affidabilità e costanza. Sono davvero felice dei loro servizi."
"최고의서비스, 그리고 늘 업그레이드 됩니다. 훨씬 빠르고 안정적으로."
"He ahorrado cientos de dólares utilizando express para reservar vuelos y hoteles mientras viajo a otros países. Es fantástico."
"Amo que o aplicativo é atualizado frequentemente. Os novos protocolos são bem úteis, eles deixaram rápido e fácil."
"Top-quality services. I've used so many vpns before but this is my best one yet, has a kill switch, awesome features, and impressive number of server locations."
"I started reading the articles on security and privacy on their blogs and I'm now really good when it comes to my privacy online. Can't thank express enough!"
"最高の速度、非常に手頃な価格での安定した接続、優れたサーバー所在地。 とてもお勧めです!"
"왜 지금까지 안 썼는지 모르겠습니다. 공공와이파이 이용 할 때 탁월합니다."
"Uso questa VPN da molto tempo per gli acquisti online e per mantenere sicuro il mio bitcoin wallet. Non mi ha mai deluso"
"Erstaunliche dienstleistung! In den drei jahren, in denen ich es schon benutze, habe ich nie größere verzögerungen erlebt. Die regelmäßigen updates beheben automatisch alle fehler und mängel. Alles in allem eine sehr durchdachte und intuitive software."
"Una vez instalé la vpn, he estado leyendo sus circulares, que siempre me educan y me proporcionan información de gran interés acerca de la seguridad en internet y la privacidad."