"I bought a bape hoodie I waited for a week it still never came it’s been 3 MONTHS SINCE "
"My mom ordered me a Loki Loungefly for Christmas and when received, we discovered it was FAKE! We are currently talking to customer service, but they wanted us to pay to ship the bag back. Shipping it back to China would cost MORE than what she paid for the bag. They still claim that it is authentic but it is not. Beware of a counterfeit if you order from them."
"I ordered a Loki crown from their store. They bent it in half to cram it into a very tiny box, and it is stuck in that position and completely unwearable. I needed this for Halloween, and when I informed them about the damage to the item, they only offered to send me a second one (which would not arrive in time for Halloween). They were only willing to give a refund if I shipped the damaged item all the way back to China...which would have cost more than the item is worth. If the item had not been bent out of shape, I would have been happy with it. So buyer beware. If you have any kind of issue with your order, their customer service is the worst I have ever experienced."
"I would choose 0 stars if possible. I placed an order and paid $29.00 for DHL/Fedex 5-7 day shipping. I wrote them SEVEN emails asking for a refund when I realized the package was not going to arrive even close to that time frame. They never answered any questions... they only responded "stay safe. be patient." At this point, it is 17 days after my order, and I have not received the product (which is now useless to me) or received a refund. Don't waste your time and money"
"I ordered a sweater, the money is gone, but the sweater is not there.
Fraud . Do not buy anything from the side."
"I asked for a costume to be custom made. They shipped it to me, and it had an L on package of the dress, which indicates they never custom made it, but instead just shipped one they already had premade. I emailed and called and they replied after a lot of emailing and calling...but only after I had called tons of times. Then they refused to correct the mistake. I pleaded and asked if I sent it back, would they fix it...and they said they would. It is now over a month later and they said they never received my dress that I sent back. I had to ship the damn dress back to them for $38 dollars, and the dress was $109. I am assuming that this is FRAUD. AVOID at all cost. I am very very upset."
"Fraud. They costumes were much smaller then they said. Refused to refund despite their policy on site of full refund. Turns out they are in china, but hiding behind US website and California phone number. Paypal forced them to accept return, but then they denied received and have my stuff and money. AVOID"
"this seller site never update inventory item whenever in-stock or sold out it took me less than 2 month has no stock but at the end they refund my money back because the seller late respond my email it took me 2-3 days and explain the situation."