"Stay far, far away from this company. The products may or may not be a sham, but their business practices are definitely a con.
You know all that spam you get from online drug stores? How their web sites all tend to look the same with the basic layout, generic design and that look that just screams scam? Well this site looks just like that. Unfortunately, a lot their products are marketed on other sites so if you're looking for something in particular and click on it, you won't see the main page when you're checking out. Though the fact that they try to offer you different (more expensive) packages of what you want to buy multiple times before you can actually check out should be your first clue about them.
But back to the actual business practices, their free trials are NOT free offers. You get a certain amount of time (usually 30 days) to try out said product before they charge you full price for it. But that free time starts the second they charge you, and then they take two to three weeks just to mail it out to you. And if you decide to send it back, they need to have it in hand by the time expiration (dated postage does not count). So they've given you virtually no time to try it out during the alleged tryout period. And if you take no action, they'll just keep sending it out to you and charging you for it.
If you've been taken by this company, I strongly suggest you cancel the credit card you used because who knows what they'll do with it."