"Do not bother trying to pay credit card get emails back telling you that you are a fraud, even after reading bad reviews and this I persisted in buying goods (god knows why). Ordered the fake gangster set of pillows as one of my sisters Christmas presents, paid the same as the item in shipping, then three weeks later just before Christmas get sent only one out of the two pillows and told they are now out of stock and discontinued, even though they are still advertising them as in stock. Expensive shipping if outside US, bad service all around. Should have listened to all other indipendant reviews"
"Just another guy that got ripped off by this site, this is totally a scam! I bought something 5 months ago, it never arrived and I know by the trucking number that it returned to their offices. They don't answer my emails, either my facebook messages... I don't know how to contact them in order to get a response! NEVER BUY FROM THIS SITE, I WILL START A LAWSUIT.
Jason Lazarus: I will see you in hell!"