"Pretty good, I was looking for a pretty odd part, didn't find exactly what I wanted but something close enough, hopefully it works and I will be ordering more."
"Some items are difficult to find without going through much research."
"Questioned how my Admin login had someone else's name associated with it. We got it cleared up, though, I hope."
"good much better then used to be"
"Good site. Easy to navigate."
"I have used Grainger for years and will continue to do so unless their prices raise to an noncompetitive level"
"I could not find the product doing a search, used the online chat option to assist in finding the product needed."
"too many pop ups and survey questions"
"To be completely honest, I'm sorry, but I cannot stand the Grainger website. I find it very annoying and aggravating. I want simple and easy. Example: If I want to order Grabbers Steel Toe Boots. Have it pop up with the description and have a box to choose the different sizes so I can order all the sizes I need from that one screen. Why do I have to search for the other sizes. I keep previous orders and just search through them for the ID numbers cause it's ridiculous otherwise. Sorry to be so blunt but I have ordered off this site for the last 14 years at my job. It a lot better than it used to be. Here's another example....why on earth do I need to know the zip code of where I'm shipping to when I'm in the middle of ordering? Save that for checkout time. I don't know I'm sorry but it's a bit frustrating some days."
"Great info on products, need to list both percentages and inch sizes together for same part. RE: .625=5/8"
"I wasn't online long enough to have the may I help you pop-ups--so that was a plus"
"I'm happy I can now make account payments online"
"I found it helpful to get information to use in deciding what I need to get"
"I am creating an improved version of something. I found several options as a solution and selected a preferred option at a lower cost than I expected. The item was easy to find and order and I'll pick it up at the local Grainger store."
"I usually buy in quanity.Like a case of WD40 etc,Why can't you have products by the case.Especiallyconsumable items.How many are in a case.And have it right out front where you can click on case."