"I been purchasing my mexico mi s from here for a long time and i completely love it "
"yo pedro Heredia . quiero compartir con las demas personas que este es un exselente serbisio y estoy mui content por poder ser miembro de abla a mexico .com
por lo cual lo recomiendo grasias "
"I love this website it is so much easier than buying calling cards has great features to make it easy "
"Me gusta mucho porque puedo recargar desde la comodidad de mi casa."
"I have always been able to rely on HablaMexico.com to contact my friends and family in Mexico at a very low cost!"
"The quality of my phone calls are very good, I get very good amount of minutes. "
"good way to talk to Mexico Cheap!!!!"
"Lo que yo use fue enviar credito u un numero en mexico. El servicio es increible! Muy recomendable. En un instante mis hijas tienen credito en sus celulares. Lo seguire usando."
"Its ok......................................"
"its very easy to log in fast; and what i like is the confirmation as sooner they reciving the recharge. i like this web i ben used for a wild never have any problems.i trust ablamexico .com to recharge my international cell phones to cal my parents. i very satified i recomended to any one "
"did not received cellphone recharge in mexico "
"I love HablaMexico, it's so easy to refill to call out of the countrie!!! As well, it gives you lots of minutes compared to other regular calling cards. So easy to access!!!"
"It would be helpful if you could just enter the phone number instead of just listing most recent. "
"Call to mexico on my tablet but to much noise just worked right one call and to many drop calls not to happy"
"it cuts me during my calls, it is very frustrating. "