"I bought a Prada handbag advertised as Prada Handbag BR0826 for 354 USD (incl. post) and it turned out to be a fake. Was sold as original. It appears to be a seller of fake goods and shd be prosecuted. If anyone ever decides to go to court, I shall be happy to support it. I still have the handbag bcs cannot give it to anyone as it is fake and cannot wear it for the same reason. It also appears that Prada never made such a model. "
"I made 1 transaction with this site on 08 november 2010 for 1 prada back pack for $219.
They sent email for confirm the transaction and link for check the order status.
First time check on the link, it's said in process.
after 1 weeks don hear anything, I check on the link again, and they said the transaction was cancel.
I email them twice asking for the transaction. but they don't reply.
If they cancel the transaction, why don't refund???
They using yahoo store, can't yahoo do anything about it. Cause I just found out there are a lot of victim like me.
"The item was fake. The "store" never has anybody there to answer the phone. The hardware on the item was not the same hardware as the designers."
"I purchased a handbag from HandbagCrew.com for $400 with 2-day shipping. It took them a week to send me an order and then it wasn't even the right bag!! (Plus the bag they did send didn't even look new) I sent it back to them the next day with overnight shipping and have not heard from them since, it has been over two weeks. I tried calling them and no one ever picks up or calls you back. I also emailed them numerous times and have not got a response. I wanted to cancel my order but found it very difficult because they don't answer the phone or respond to emails. I am out $400, somebody needs to investigate this company, they are crooks! DO NOT ORDER ANYTHING FROM HANDBAGCREW.COM!!