"Fast Shipping, low price and nice packing. The item arrived in perfect condition. "
"I bought a tripod from this international seller. The tripod itself is in good condition, but they only wrapped the tripod manufacture box with a thin piece of paper and shipped it overseas. As a result, the corner of the manufacture box is damaged. I bought this tripod as a gift to my friend, so the damaged corner of manufacture box is not acceptable. The correct practice is to put the manufacture box to a bigger shipping box.
I contacted them and they said because their margin is low they could not use an outer box to protect the manufacture box, as it will cost more. They promised to send a new manufacture box to me but it never arrived."
"Item received today. Thanks!"
"Item arrived on time. Very nice!! Thank you!"
"Thank you very much! I love the Holgacamera!!!"
"Very fast shipping!!
Only 2 days to US!!
"Very good customer service!!Good price!Fast shipping!!
See you again!!"
"item received in good condition! thanks!"