" gmcard & discover rejected"
"Every thing was positive."
"Have been a customer for many years. Unfortunately, as I get older, their web site instructions seem to be less clear. Nevertheless, I will continue to d business with tihem"
"Literally took less than five minutes to research and place my order."
"Looking for competitive prices and MacMall was the best!"
"Your website refused to let me change my credit card information. I wasted at least a half and hour screwing around. Frustrating!"
"I am constantly looking forward to the next email flyer that I receive regularly from PCM. I cannot wait to see the new deals! The online ordering is *so* easy to use and everything is so professionally presented. Shipping is so fast that I feel as if my merchandise magically arrives without me even having to place the order."
"Took forever to get order to go through, little messenger box would not get out of the way."
"Easy efficient searching, ordering, and buying."
"Thanks, it was super easy"
"I have bought from you before. "
Remarkable "
"Great prices, good info, straightforward ordering.
"I like the quality and how current the product seems to be but was not happy one price that seemed to be offered one way yet when I moved through the site it increased. Did find a product that suited what I needed."
"Customer service is off and on - sometimes I get a great guy, other times a guy who probably needs to go home and take a nap.
But I love the products, I love customizing my own computer and I have ordered several Macs from MacMall"
A rep from Insight, RonaldoSL, has responded:
We thank you for taking time to further discuss the issue over the phone.
We look forward to doing more business with you in the future.
Please let us know if you need anything else.
Macmall Customer Care”