"ordered a designer bag & whn i received the bag, it's a fake bag, & also thr r sm scratches & wears on the bag, very disappointed bcs i have to pay for expensive shipping + I have to send it back on my own cost. I've called the 888 number & nobody seemed to pick up, it's weekdays whn i was calling them. They said if it's not authentic, we could return it, but when I emailed them they replied: "We will process return and credit within 2 days of receipt of return. We will not charge you restocking fee if the bag is not authentic."
it's very weird bcs in the site they never mentioned about 15% restocking fee, i dont know if now they changed the contents of the website or not, but at tht time i had tht experience w/ them!
They insisted that their products r authentic. Buyer beware!! don't buy anything from here, unless you like fake bags & some imperfections on the bag you buy...
i lost $18 to send back the bag to them, very un-professional seller, very weird store, don't even spend your money here!! NOT Worthh ittt..........."