"Everyone was very welcoming. The facility was extremely clean and set up very nicely."
"This school is like family to use. They are so warm and happy to see my daughter every day. I am always confident that she will have a good day."
"I love my experience so far here. This is one of the only places I found. I can accommodate my schedule, but I have still had a great experience people. My daughters primary infant teachers are great and work with her well. Also, the Director is so knowledgeable- she knows all of the families, all of the children and everyone schedules by heart and she seems to care."
"I like the administration and teaching and makactivities with kids"
"We are very thrilled with the teachers and the care they show to our girls. It is clear they are kind, compassionate and love what they do. Compared to our previous preschool we do feel like the meals aren’t as high of quality and our oldest has had more issues with kids being unkind and feeling like she has no friends. We also would have preferred more information into the transition from baby to toddler room and a more gradual transition when the time came."
"Superficially the school is average. More nurturing environment would be appreciated. More attention to fundamental needs. Example: my son came home from school with only one sock on and shoes on the wrong feet."
"Like I said in a previous response, it's just an average facility. Not terrible but not impressive either. I feel like the people who interact directly with my child don't always know what's going on, for example the pacifier issue I previously mentioned, not packing up all her bottles at the end of the day, losing her sweatshirt, and both caretakers telling me they don't know which bag is hers when I ask if they can hand me her bag at pickup time. When my child's father toured the facility when I was unavailable, it seemed like they really talked up SproutAbout, but we rarely get photo or video updates. I don't feel super confident leaving my child there for the two days she attends. I've been looking for another place to take her to, and only haven't moved her because there are no other facilities that can meet our needs with spots open."
"We have absolutely loved this school and felt at home there. Everyone is warm. When we have had questions or concerns, they have been thoughtfully addressed by staff and we’ve seen follow through. Ms. Usha, Ms. Crystal, Ms. Gayathri, and Ms. Kameron have specifically all been so great!"
"My son and I have had a great experience this has been the best school/daycare he has ever been at. He has started interacting more with other children and having a great social exper"
"Overall this school is wonderful. It does seem a bit disorganized and laid back but our child is thriving in this environment so we are happy. We would love to get the billing issues ironed out."
"We have so much love for this school and it's staff. I never wanted to have my child in daycare but necessity called for it. In that time since we had to enroll her she has only grown positively and has show a pure love of the school."
"Great daycare overall! Asst. Dir Ms.B has been very helpful and supportive throughout our journey."
"The teachers in Benjamin’s room are quite in inviting when we walk in the classroom for pick up and drop off. We were at another daycare for 4 years prior and all the teachers were warm and welcoming. This experience is the opposite of that."
"Since having a new teacher in the preschool room the updates on brightwheel have been more inconsistent or missing things than when in the previous clas"
"I love the communication with teachers. It makes me feel at ease knowing that my kids are okay not being with me"
"Love the school wish I had more intractable time to discuss child’s de"