"overall pretty good experience."
"La petite Academy is an awesome school. Love it from the first day my grandson attended. The presence of the staff is very welcoming, understanding and professional. It gives me great confidence in knowing my grandson is safe and feels comfortable with me leaving him in their hands. I love seeing all the kids and my grandson eager to enter the doorway. The staff at La Peite are awesome!"
"I love this School, I rave about it to all my family and coworkers, so glad that I choose La Petite. The Director and teachers mean the world to me and daughter."
"I just want to say that the teachers are wonderful and very caring. The new team lead Ms. Connie is a great asset to help with the school and to also help Ms. Lenise and Ms. Peg who are the best already. I love their monthly school calendars that have age appropriate activities and a great way to get the parents involved in the school. If Ms. Lenise or Ms. Peg leave , I think I will pull my children out. The make sure that the teachers are always on point in their classrooms. I could go on for days. I just LOVE the staff at La Petite Jonesboro."
"I love Ms. Lenise and Ms. Peg, htey are always happy and willing to talk to me. I have no complaints!!! They and the staff do a wonderful job at the school, and I'm always recommending co workers, friends and family."
"Great. I have no complaints."
"I love them . I can trust they are teaching our kids right"
"I have had overall a good experience. Staff has changed several times but there are a couple of people that have been there since.my child has and in am very comfortable with them as they know my child best."
"Overall I am satisfied my child has been there since she was six months. She is very comfortable and feels safe with the staff. I would never change her provider until it's time to graduate."
"Please note that when I speak of teachers in questions 21, 24, 25 and 30, I speak of Miss Chardae and Miss Alycia. They are wonderful teachers and it is clear that they truly care about my child's development.In question 36.3, I do understand that the school has no control when a teacher decides to leave the school but I sometimes wonder if it was for a better opportunity or are there issues amongst the staff?"
"My daughter loves this school. She loves her teacher Ms Shon! She is so sad to be going to kindergarten. You all and especially Ms Shon has made such a lasting impact on my daughter that she will never forget all your love and hugs. Thank you for all that you do. It doesn’t go unnoticed☺️"
"Overall satisfied with what they are doing at this location. All my concerns have been acted upon and I am slowly seeing the changes being applied."
"The staff is nice and means well, so it **** to have to give them such a horrible rating. However, I come from Maryland and daycares do not leave their doors propped open with the deadbolt lock for security purposes. For two or three days the door was left like that which makes me question the security of the facility. Customer’s security codes do not work for the door, which is so convenient for that to happen now as my code has never worked there and this is only my second week attending the facility. I will give them the benefit of the doubt on that particular issue, however the issue should be fixed ASAP when you have a security issue like that. Everyone is using the facility code to get in... that’s a major security concern.
The thing that really bothers me here is that you are charged your normal tuition, but they add an additional $10/week for diapers and wipes. When I asked if I could just purchase my own diapers and wipes for my son and take it to the daycare which is what I’ve been used to, they said I could do that... the catch is that you’ll still be charged the additional $10/week. Some people might like that about the facility, but to make it a mandated thing to ALL customers is asinine. I thought to ask “What happens when he no longer uses diapers? Are you going to charge an additional $5/week for using the toilet paper?”
Furthermore, my son was scratched in the face. I don’t know how or by whom - that part doesn’t really bother me. I know that kids will be kids, but I don’t appreciate that I never got an incident report or a courtesy call from the facility. When I mentioned this to them, they said that they “didn’t know about it.” I’m sorry, but that’s a problem. The facility is but so big.... and I still have not received an incident report and it fristrates me to look at him with that scratch on his face looking like Scarface (no pun intended).
Lastly, they might want to up their staff. I walked in on a conversation the staff was having and they had mentioned that one child that was in the “Twos Room” would be turning three soon. He would go to the “Threes” class when his birthday came around. The boy was not potty trained. I do not judge anyone for that as kids develop at their own paces... but I asked when my son turns Two will he be in the Twos class indefinitely. What should have been a simple yes, was not. They holdback children’s growth at this facility. If they are under ratio, they will take a 2 year old down a class and force them to go to the Ones class. I asked why would they do such a thing as that takes my baby back a step or two, as he is not even two are we are potty training and learning ABCs, numbers, and colors at this point. They said because “we have to keep up with ratio.” Now, I understand that but common sense would tell you to employ one or two more providers. In lack of better words, don’t dumb a child down by taking them back to their old baby habits. These children have potential and you should be encouraging them to progress and move ahead instead stepping back to their younger ways. For the price I pay a week which is $194/week - a lot more than what I paid in Maryland which provided a lot more than what they offer here -, I expect for the daycare to be on their game aka on point. La Petite Academy is far from. I will be disenrolling my son soon to go to a more equipped center.
To the La Petite Staff, please change some of your rules that you have established there because it does your customers (I.e., us, the parents) nor our children any good to keep going about things as you have been at least for the last two weeks."
"I loved her infant teachers. I just feel like there is so much going on (in which I understand) but this is my child and I would like to know when someone new will be working with her. Overall I really like LaPetite but again I pay way too much for her clothes to be stained. I buy clothes weekly."
"I love La Petite Academy. The teachers are great with the children, the staff is very welcoming."