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Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"I loved the teachers with our first kid. She got potty trained at LaPetite! But I am not as confident in that type of thing with the teacher turnover"

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"It was amazing for 2 years. Then all our favorite teachers vanished and there's barely like 5 people working at the school. They need to change their pay, or change their culture, or recruiting strategy, or something... It's gonna be abandoned soon."

Rep reply posted 2019-09-16
A rep from La Petite Academy - 6514 , LearningCareGroupCL, has responded:

“We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. We’re sorry to hear that you have not been having a positive experience at your location. We are committed to providing a positive and safe environment. The concerns that you have mentioned involving staffing are ones that we take very seriously, and will be noted for further action.”

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"I can't complain about any individual teacher my kids have had. However the constant turnover has left my daughter with a rotating list of teachers that I can't even keep track of anymore. This tells me that either compensation, benefits, or culture need to change in order to attract and keep good employees. The kids and families here deserve better than to be a summer job or a stepping stone to a better position."

Rep reply posted 2019-09-12
A rep from La Petite Academy - 6514 , LearningCareGroupCL, has responded:

“We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. We’re sorry to hear that you have not been having a positive experience at your location. We are committed to providing a positive and safe environment. The concerns that you have mentioned involving staffing are ones that we take very seriously, and will be noted for further action.”

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"We loved this school. I mean loved it. Used to recommend it all the time. However for the past few months the center has gone downhill rapidly. Almost all the experienced teachers have left and while new teachers seem nice and good they are unable to care well for the number of children at the center seeing as the number of new teachers has not matched the number that has left. It seems like as a result neither the children nor teachers seem happy anymore. My oldest specifically has recently expressed not wanting to go to school anymore. When dropping him off on Thursday this past week there were about 10 kids 2 and up for one teacher in a room. 4 children were hysterical including my son and the teacher, a newer one, looked completely overrun. We ended up keeping him home with us which luckily on this particular day we were able to do. Violations in teacher-child ratios are unacceptable. Especially for the cost we are paying, almost $30,000/ year..."

Rep reply posted 2019-09-11
A rep from La Petite Academy - 6514 , LearningCareGroupCL, has responded:

“We greatly appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. We’re sorry to hear that you have not been having a positive experience at your location. We are committed to providing a positive and safe environment. The concerns that you have mentioned involving staffing and ratios are ones that we take very seriously, and will be noted for further action. ”

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"I love this school because the teachers are amazing and have made real connections with my kids. They are all rockstars. I recommend la Petite at this location almost on a daily basis on Facebook for my local childcare search page because of how wonderful all the staff is."

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"Love it! Recommend the school to anyone looking for daycare. The director and teachers take individualized interests in my kids and they have all become like family!"

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"I love the teachers at this school. My child has loved every teacher that he has had and they all clearly love and know him. He is excited to go to daycare every day and see his friends and his teacher.My issues lie in the number of staff and sometimes questionable communications that we receive from the center. I do not put any of this on the teachers, but rather on the La Petite corporation / the director. Sometimes when I've wanted to talk to the director, that person is often in a classroom helping to cover (due to a shortage of staff) and it makes it difficult to have an in-person conversation. The director is available when she can be and will talk about anything, but she could work on her approach-ability as well."

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"The staff are amazing with the children and help to develop each child as an individual. They understand that they all grow and develop at their own rate yet still manage to keep them challenged without overwhelming them. They keep the children and parents well informed of what is going on and create an environment of family."

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"Extremely negative experience. The director will call out to you from the windows to “catch you before you leave” to make a tuition payment. Tuition rates are inconsistent. Classroom teacher is constantly stressed out and yelling at/grabbing the kids. Building smells terrible, like old diapers. Younger staff members wear leggings as pants and appear very unprofessional. Staff does not show signs of experience with children who have behavioral/mental disabilities. My child was excluded from all fun field trips without my say, because he unbuckled his seatbelt on the bus! Staff is clearly stressed out and no one seems to be enjoying their time there. Would not recommend to anyone."

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"We love the teachers! They are thoughtful, and genuinely care about my child. They are very good about expressing any concerns and with communication. I love getting photos and videos of what she is doing through out the day as well!"

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"The only negative I had was that I was told that my son could not have my breast milk at the school. I found this surprising and was not happy about it. Luckily my son will most likely not need it when he will be enrolled ( when he turns 1) but deters me from enrolling future children because my son and future children are exclusively BF."

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"We've only been with La Petite a short time, but the teachers are very attentive and clearly care a lot about the kids in their care. Any time our son has not been himself, they have contacted us to let us know."

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"The school is amazing my daughter and all of her classmates hit all their milestone so early i can never guess childrens ages correctly. She loves all her teaches and sometimes doesnt want to leave. I am so glad i found such a great enviroment for her to grow."



So caring

"I love that my little one is doing so well here. Her and everyone in her class are amazing little 2 year olds so I always think kids I meet outside of the daycare are younger. We have been here since my daughter was 6 weeks old and she loves all the teachers. It is amazing how they grow and develop in this nurturing environment. They are always willing to follow up if you have questions to make sure you are confident in your child's day. Best of all they understand that you may need additional updates or feedback when there is a transition. I am so glad to have my little go here."

Verified La Petite Academy - 6514 Schroeder Rd Shopper


"I love how everyone at the school is so welcoming. It makes it seem like it is family taking care of my daughter and not a third party. I will say it is sad when i drop her off and she is so happy to be there she runs in and doesn't care that i am leaving."