"Ordered an helmet for my boyfriend's bday and he absolutely loves it!"
"I ordered a helmet and it came in super fast and was exactly what I wanted. "
"The shipped it out the same day I ordered. The ordering process was easy inefficient and they have high quality products very pleased with my purchase and will buy from them again."
"I finally found a leather company I could afford, only to receive a product that didn't work. my husband is a big guy and it is hard to find leather in his size. leather up had 5X, we were so excited. we needed it for a wedding, received it in time, but it did not fit. their 5X was more like a 3X, was so unhappy. we had to go directly to Harley Davidson and purchase something we could not afford without help. they only carry up to 3X on hand so we bought one, put longer leather straps in it and added chains on the buttons. I will not be buying from this company again, sorry, but we have had enough heartaches and this just topped it off."
"Happy with the service, easy replacement policy"
"As usual the reply service was great"
"These guys get it done!! Great service"
"The product is matching my expectations and it was delivered at the fastest date."
"I ordered the product I wanted at the price I thought was fair and got it delivered by the expected delivery time. No problems, it was as I expect online purchases to be. "
"Ordered too large of a jacket. Sent it back. Credit to my account. Simple as 1 2 3... with no hassle. "
"Very pleased with the purchase of my mesh motorcycle jacket. The 2XL size is perfect, the jacket is what I wanted as far as being light-weight, a good "girly" color, and safety. Shipment was exactly as promised."
"The vest is beautiful, but sizes run small. I wear Med, but needed to return for XL. Order 2 sizes up from your normal size. "
"The shield was not what I expected. "
"Excellent all around customer service. Fast delivery. Quality product.
"Everything arrived quickly and was accurate to what I ordered."