"I really enjoyed my educational experience. The instructors were amazing!"
"Because LRU is mostly an online school for ministers, there is an expectation that you are able to communicate well through the written word. If you aren't a good writer going into LRU, you will improve a LOT by the time you graduate.
The professors are top-notch, as is the content of the courses. I was very pleased with my LRU experience. "
"The experience at Luther Rice was a very good one. All the staff; faculty advisers, administrative staff, lecturers/professors etc. were knowledgeable in their field of expertise and provided friendly and able assistance at all times. Dr and Mrs Long were instrumental in me getting started at Luther Rice as I was not financially able to pursue further studies, but with their help, I was awarded a scholarship at Luther Rice University. All the knowledge I have gained from my studies are enhancing my ministry at Church and in the workplace. I give God thanks for the opportunity to be a Luther Rice Alumnus."
"Luther Rice fit me, my calling, and my schedule well. God has allowed me to learn how to love Him with all of my mind with the challenges of all the classes. They helped shape some of my calling.
Yes and amen!
"An excellent experience!!"
"All of my experiences at Luther Rice College and Seminary were entirely positive - from ease of maneuvering the website and class assignments and the clear instructions in the syllabus for each course to the graduation ceremony itself. I appreciate the sincere desire of all the professors to impart specific knowledge and the systematic methods they use to do it clearly and concisely."
"Excellent education...Sound Christian Doctrine that lines up perfectly with the Bible. Nothing is added and nothing is taken away."
"My time at Luther Rice was one of the best experiences in my professional, ministerial life. The vast majority of my classes were in the evenings, in that I was a bi-vocational pastor. The classes were exciting, challenging, and have proven to be extremely beneficial as a pastor. The professors were passionate about the Word of God with the right amount of humanity and expertise to impart wisdom and knowledge to every person willing to learn. "
"I completed my MDiv/A online through Luther Rice. The courses were incredibly challenging and the professors pushed me to be the best student I could be. While there are more well known schools out there, I wouldn't trade my education at Luther Rice for a name. They truly love their students and want to see them succeed. I love this school and their focus on Christ!"
"I was blessed to finish this seminary in 2016 with a Master in Biblical Studies. A perfect institution and affordable with personal attention to prepare you for all ministry aspects. "
"Faculty, staff, and administrators educate and serve students with compassion, love, and care. The desire is to have students fully prepared and equipped for Kingdom service. The school wants to make sure each student is afforded the opportunity to succeed. Classes are challenging but rewarding. Online course offerings provides flexibility to full-time working degree candidates so that program tracks can be completed in a reasonable timeframe. Everyone is dedicated to Kingdom excellence. The quality goes in before the ministry candidates matriculate out. "
"Luther Rice allowed me to complete four different degrees while at the same time working in full time ministry. My education helped me in ministry like on the job training. Thank you for encouraging me to stick with it all along the way."
"My experience at Luther Rice was more than just getting an education. My professors and my classmates encouraged me, made we laugh, and dried my tears of grief. You see, my late husband got cancer my last year of working on my bachelors degree. He lived long enough to see me graduate. I wanted to drop out prior to graduation because of the stress and grief of his terminal illness. I was given excellent advice from my professors to stay on course. After graduation, my husband died just weeks later. Some of my professors attended his funeral and called me to counsel me in my grief. After a few months I returned to Luther Rice and started working on my Masters degree. Without the support I was given, I may have never finished my first degree.
I'm a Christian counselor and I utilize everything I learned at Luther Rice to help others in their times of crisis. "
"I matriculated at LRU as an online student while holding a full-time job. Thanks to LRU's distance education program, I was able to obtain a M. Div degree."
"I had an outstanding experience at Luther Rice. The instructors are highly knowledgeable and very helpful. The materials covered provided a solid challenge and greatly deepened my knowledge of the Bible as well as ministry related topics. I highly recommend Luther Rice to anyone considering furthering their education in topics that have eternal meaning and impact!"