"Seller sold new item for an agreed upon price. After contract was established, seller wanted more money. Seller only sent part of item, and item was scratched and bent. Seller finally sent second part, but that was destroyed. Although they keep insisting that because they purchased insurance, the items would arrive in good condition, in both cases, the padding was almost non-existent and the USPS even wrote up a letter stating that they received it damaged before I received it.
When addressed with the seller, they made me jump through a lot of hoops and waiting. Even though they promised to reimburse me through the insurance, they kept holding off until after the 60 day mark in which they had no responsibility. They even sent a taunting e-mail telling buyer that there was nothing that buyer could do.
Bottom line - purchased items were not not received in the condition that they were described and the seller has refused to reimburse for buyer's loss. Buyer was forced to submit a stop payment."