"Overall I'm rather pleased with this purchase, so much so that even though normally I wouldn't bother with these things, this time I came here especially just to give this business a good review. Despite it being a "good" review, I'll give all the facts, mentioning both the strong points and some minor shortcomings.
I only needed a simple bottle of 99% isopropyl alcohol, and couldn't easily find it being sold anywhere nearby, so I did a quick search online and decided to buy from Mfasco.com, considering they had a very reasonable price. I was also pleased to discover the option to receive an estimated shipping without having to provide any personal info or register an account first. This is always helpful in getting to know the total "real" price of the item while doing comparsion shopping. After deciding to buy from them, and not wanting to creat an account on their website just for this simple purchase (which they required you to do if you wanted to order anything through their website), I called into their 800 number and was able to order by phone. The rep was very courteous, if seemingly a little less professional, due to her overly casual way of handling my order info. I had to ask her myself to verify my address, in order to make sure she had everything accurately, and she didn't bother asking for my billing address, probably taking for granted that it was the same as my shipping address (luckily it was, so I didn't bother reminding her). Also at the end, I had to ask her myself for a way to track the order, and was told "there wasn't a tracking number yet", but they could send an email later (which they did, but I still couldn't track the order through their website since it required registering an account there, and that was what I wanted to avoid in the first place).
When quoting my shipping charge, the rep told me a number that was higher than the estimated shipping the website gave me. Already feeling rather pained at having to pay three times as much the price of the item itself just for shipping, I was even more dismayed and surprised at the raised charge, and mentioned to her that their website had shown me a lower charge. After hearing this, she almost immediately agreed with the charge I quoted from the website, and I was charged the same amount as I originally saw. The order was place on Jul. 19, and only 3 days later, on the 21st, I received my item. I noticed on the package, the Fedex label showed a higher shipping than what was charged on my order, yet at the time they had chosen to be consistent and reponsible to their own quotes given on the website, and it is this way through which they conducted their business that left me a most excellent impression.
This kind of honest, consistent and responsible way of doing business is rarer and rarer now, and I'm very glad to find at least some businesses at least are still smart or conscientious enough to maintain it. This reason alone is enough for me to choose them again for future business and to recommend them to anyone else. If they could improve a bit more on some of the inadequatecies I mentioned, they would be an even better business."
"Placed my order on Oct 3rd and Rec'd it on the 6th. Very Fast! They carry quality merchandise at affordable prices with a HUGE selection.
Customer Service was very helpful when I was looking for a product but could not remember the name. They helped me find it just by my description.
They are now my supplier for all things Medical."