"I have ordered 2 bags. I have recieved 2 bags that I haven't ordered made of plastic!
They don't want return money.
It's a fake company. Don't have any relations with them."
"The website is fraudful although it looks like a reliable one. You'll never get what you ordered as well as never get your money back.
I ordered a saffiano leather bag (100% authentic Michael Kors as they say) and payed $218 for it in June, 2014. 3 weeks later I received a parcel from China containing a faux leather bag of poor quality which was a cheap copy of Michael Kors (max $10 worth). Even the style and the color was different. I was trying to get in touch with the shop by all means, but they never replied. So I think I won't get a refund (which they promise to be easy).
This was my first bad experience with online shopping and I hope you won't make the same mistake purchasing in www.michaelkorsbag.eu."